This is, or should I say "was" my first introduction to Antonioni. Yep, I had been one of the few that missed his other works, and based on this film - one "Zabriskie Point", I am nervous, yet excited about what other films he has to offer. This was an obvious roller coaster of a film to view, the beginning was full of creative genius, great cinematography, and exciting tension juxtaposed with the idea of commercialism invading America. It was supposed to be better than "Easy Rider", and in one sense it was - but it was the middle of the film that muddied the remaining tone and overall excitement of the film. I am not a viewer that would have a problem with a long orgy scene, but a random one in the middle of Death Valley with no further understanding - perhaps just free love conquers all - just voiced a different opinion than what Antonioni opened with. The focus dramatically changed, and then - where it was hurt the most - was that he attempted to regain that speed he opened with, but failed. The focus was already lost, and the sense of this organic artwork just fluttered in the wind. Our characters, as cardboard as they were, just didn't seem like the ones we began with when the opening credits rolled alongside the voice of how to protest.
Looking back on this film now, I must admit that I was excited about the idea. The Antonioni idea was well in place, but execution is where he suffered. This could, nay I should say, this should have been the next "Easy Rider", it had the voice to do so - and perhaps the final cut scene would have solidified it for me if it were left in the movie (check out what the plane was supposed to write in the sky), and what should have ended visionary, it just kinda floundered. By the end, I was forced to only remember the orgy scene, and not the words or premise of this entire film. "Zabriskie Point" demonstrates the power that a director has with freedom, but it also shows its demise.
Could I suggest "Zabriskie Point" to friends, absolutely. Could I watch this movie again? Doubtful. That singular scene ruined the entire experience for me, and while I am no puritan, it just felt out of place. I would have been happy to see our couple just make out or have sex in the desert, point would have been made, but to have an entire scene with random strangers making animal faces and random sex just felt out of place for the tone pre-set early in the film. Found in my Halliwell's 2007 Film Guide - I am finally deciding on a pink highlight. Good, but not great. Worthy of a view, but not sure that I could add it to the collection. Missed opportunity by a strong director that should have been an instant Anti-American classic
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