“Yankee Doodle Dandy” is not just this never ending story that repetitively builds too much. It boasts an Oscar-winning performance for Cagney (who later gets type-cast as this “Public Enemy”), and it delivers. It boasts these huge, glorious musical numbers, and it arrives with bells on. It boasts pure, uncut, raw Americana and it nearly makes you want to stand up and sing. Thus, “Yankee Doodle Dandy” delivers exactly what one may want from a film like this. There should be no complains, right? Again, the length of this film began, as the third act blended into the fourth and so on, felt tedious, boring, melodramatic, and lacking focus. When Cohan finishes his speech with the President, the ending should have been in plain view. The long walk down the flight of iconic Presidents, it felt winded. The final shots were just focus-less. There should have been a fade to black long before that. On another note, from the beginning, I knew that Cohan was pure America, it was necessary to consistently repeat that idea. For example, the scene in which he attempts to join the army was ridiculous. The merit was there, but the essence of the scene was missing. Sure, Cohan can tap, but does that mean he should brandish a gun? Another great example of why “Yankee Doodle Dandy” began so well, but then felt as if we were stuffing the turkey too full – it was beginning to feel … dare I say, more American…
To complete this discussion, I would like to reiterate again that “Yankee Doodle Dandy” (for the most part) had me tapping my toes and singing right along with the now infamous George M. Cohan. James Cagney was superb. His blend of humor, great dance, and exciting dialogue proved that he was more than just his later films. While this was a semi-ensemble film, each scene that Cagney was in (which was nearly all of them) he stole the scene. As audience, our eyes were fixated on what this “average joe” looking man was about to do next. Even his dancing seemed original. Yet, I regretfully admit it was just too long. The final act just felt flat, and when his conversation with the President ended, it should have faded then – instead the rest of the “filler” just felt stale. I loved this movie, I can suggest it to friends and family, but alas, be prepared for that final moment. “Yankee Doodle Dandy” felt like riding a roller coaster too many times, by the end, you just want to get off and savor the fun parts. By extending it too long, the sloppy ending ruined my savor for this film.
Loved it. Liked it. Don’t need to watch it again.
Found in my "Time Out Film Guide - 10th Edition - 2002", I am coming in close to finishing the Ys. I have one more, and this run has been a mixed bag. While I did like this movie at start, I am ending it with a pink mark. The length was just horrible, causing it to slip some notches in my book.
Rented Via Netflix
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