Classical England would ask, "Doth a scenery make strong erotica?" While it seems the general reviewer of this film would agree, I had trouble seeing the production value or lush scenery in "Young Lady Chatterley". There wasn't anything that stood out, minimal sweeping wide shots, over-lighting throughout, and that soft camera filter that made the 70s what they are today were staples within this film. If anything, they were overused to the point of obscuring the actor's work. Leaning further towards the notion of softcore cinema than actual plot-induced cinema, we can look at our actors, to see what their production value was within this 1977 classic. Harlee McBride, our lead and lady-in-waiting, begins bored, with both life and obviously this role, but as soon as she steps on our twice-removed-once-loved-Chatterley estate, the love and life begin to pour out of her - literally! With everyone imaginable, she shares herself and takes into form an unrecognizable character. Was she married to Phillip? Was she just engaged? How did it go from Phillip to every person at the estate? The transition, like her character, just didn't fit. She lacked that sexual manipulation that was needed to make this film into something more than just the overabundance of love. There was no change in her or her character, we were handed nothing to begin with - and just expected to believe everything that occurred. Poor direction by Alan Roberts lead to disinterested characters. Not only with Harlee McBride, but also with everyone else. The burly young gardener, the maids, the obviously oblique servants, everyone invited to the finale cake party - just seemed disjointed from the rest of the film.
With no strong characters, a plot that left nothing to the imagination or hope, there really was nothing left of "Young Lady Chatterley". In fact, I am rather surprised that the Lawrence estate allowed the name to be used for this film. What did stand out, as the only creativity within a mile, was the surrounding story of the first Lady Chatterley and her first run in with the gardener. The character depth, the excitement of young love, and the passion that could not be surprisingly were all there for these brief sub-scenes. The connection between the original lovers vs. that of the new "Young" version, was surprisingly different. The first had purpose and meaning, while the other was just softcore dribble. The conversations between the first Lady Chatterley and the gardener seemed responsive and open for discussion, giving at least one purpose to this film - while the rest, well, was utterly disappointing.
VIDEO: The release of this DVD was not surprisingly sub-par compared to any newer restorations, other films (cult or otherwise) from the 70s get better treatment than this. From the use of softcore to destroy a classic tale, this Alan Roberts film failed on nearly every level.
VISUAL: Again, the 70s used quite a bit of techniques that continues to make this film feel like a 70s film. The ending was horribly filmed, and the use of a couple of special effects (of which I mean the rain shower), was laughable.
SOUND: Coincidentally, everything matched. The sound went par with the visuals, creating an ambiance of 70s that will never pull "Young Lady Chatterley" into anything but a late night film view.
EXTRAS: Surprisingly, they didn't skimp here. The a-typical cast biographies that work as a page view, the jump to a scene, the posters of this film, and the other films available via Monterey Video are just packed in enough to perhaps call this a "collectors" edition, but would rather not. Again, a plethora of extras with nowhere to go.
Overall, another milestone has been hit. The third bad film in a row provides me with an opportunity to watch my first adult classic, but let's me down entirely. The sub-stories was creative, but the rest of the film was meant for one sole purpose. "Young Lady Chatterley" may have been pioneering for the time, but over the decades, it has just been forgotten and replaced. There is a way to create a story like this and actually be artistic, but it was ignored in this film. This wasn't a cult classic, it was just cinematic garbage. The story didn't work, our characters were merely naked, and no development to anything was created. While others boast the lush scenery as being a positive mark on this film, it just wasted time. The soft-lens treatment of this film blurred away anything interesting from this film, and delivering another cinematic flop.
Found again in my "Videohound's Video Premiere's" book, this was strike number three for me. Next up, the sequel to this already horrid film, can I do it? Should I do it? Would anyone know if I cheated? Hrumpf, what to do... none the less, this is already getting a yellow highlight with black mark. I could not suggest it to friends nor would I watch it again. It was a big cinematic failure from the beginning. Oh well, sequel, here I come...
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