Alas, what I have discovered is that with VHS tapes, you cannot capture the screen. So, I am merely left with the illustrious box art. Not bad. Like this movie. Outside of BLUES BROTHERS this is my only Twiggy, as a main actress, movie. This film, released in 1974 is dated, I mean really dated, but the story isn't that bad. It kept my attention and had me guessing until the very end. Even the ending seemed more sick and twisted then I originally thought a PG movie could handle. Despite the horrible beach scenes, there was quite a bit of gold nuggets in this film. Not quite a green mark with stars, but most obviously a pink. I could highly suggest this film to friends and anyone who has a VHS player, this is well worth the time. It was good to see Twiggy within her glory, and this was a decent little film. Surprisingly, it had some meat to it.
Found in my "Videohound 2002" this ends my long run of "W" and now I am onto Punks in Film, with a small 3-round VHS run about to happen. This is going to get interesting. None the less, pink mark for "W", I cannot wait to see if other people choose to check this film out. Well worth it!
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