First, let me say that I am proud to have this at my Video Store, and if you still have a VHS player, come and check this low-budget atrocity out. I do not think that this is the last you will see of The Satan Killer, but I will not be watching this movie again. I laughed quite a bit, but man - who edited this slice of trash.
I went into this film no expectations, and I actually came out of this film with less exepectations. This was like the action-version of The Dead Next Door which only lives due to the cultish nature of the film. If you like films like the one mentioned or Troll 2, then this may be right up your alley. Hey, I am going to suggest it to you if you come and and say "I need a good VHS to watch tonight". But, I am not going to rate it well here. Found in my "Destroy All Movies" book, it is getting a pink mark. I just changed my idea right there. I was going in with this film to give it a yellow mark, but I changed - due to a slight appreciation for the unexpected humor. I also liked the Doug Wilder banners flashed all around.This would be a great addition to MOVIE DAY. I will keep it until then!
I am curious if you have any information regarding the three troubled kids that appear in the alley way after the detective shoots the pimp . I can't find any information on these characters and I am intrigued by there presence in this film. Why was detective Stephens not concerned with these kids. Is there a backstory we are missing? I think perhaps the finest acting in the movie came from the kid with the Mohawk. Anyway, any info would be appreciated
ReplyDeleteOddly, the book I found this in suggested the same thing (check out the book "Destroy All Movies", very good!), questioning why Stephens didn't go after them (they fit his M.O.) or why the scene even flashes to them. The book suggests - and I kinda agree - that it was to represent the apathetic nature of both society and the punk kid generation. When watching, it gives you that odd feeling that the town is overrun by evil, building more towards the chaos happening in Stephens world.
ReplyDeleteYet again, it could have just been a filler scene. Great question!
Hello, just happened to stumble upon your blog when I googled "The Satan Killer." I wrote a lengthy review on IMDB and have really enjoyed laughing at this hastily thrown-together piece of ... er, cinema. It kind of makes you wonder if the person who edited it ever watched the film all the way through. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteI was in the movie. I was one of the cops that drove up and jumped out of the driver's side and got shot. (We actually were cops and used our assigned police car) I ruined a good work shirt from the blasting cap thing when I got "shot". I had to be to work an hour later. It was partially filmed in an empty lot and building in Portsmouth beside the MLK freeway. Also, I was the k-9 officer searching the body near the pier. That part was at Billy Franklin's house in Virginia Beach. I agree it is a strange, weird, poorly scripted, poorly edited movie, but it is awesome because I was in it!
ReplyDeleteIf you freeze frame the movie you will see that the police car that blows up is little plastic model on a cinder-block. It even had an LAPD logo (from the model kit) on the side. I found a VHS copy of the move on the net about 6 or so years ago. I just found it packed away in a box from when I moved. I can't wait to watch it again.