Thursday, October 7, 2010

Great American Re-watch #5: Jason and the Argonauts (1963)

It has happened, the second in a small run of "Great American Re-watch" films, as I am finding myself on a film book that I have used before. Yet, it seems that these re-watch films have only grown into stronger entries over time. Recently devouring Costa-Gavras' Z was just the beginning, as I found myself like a kid in a candy shoppe while escaping to the world of Ray Harryhausen and his pre-CGI creations in Jason and the Argonauts. I remember watching this for FILM CLUB, I remember watching this as a child, and I remember watching this just a few hours ago as I only hoped that the most recent Clash of the Titans could come at least 1/8th near what this singular film has accomplished. From the engrossing stop-motion Harryhausen animation to the childish-fun of Hercules, this movie has everything and more. For this viewing, I watched the Leonard Maltin // Harryhausen interview which was staged, a bit awkward, and very short (why couldn't this amazing slice of cinema get an audio commentary??), but still informational about the production of some of these cult creations.

What else can be said about this unsung classic? I mention "unsung" because I don't think Jason and the Argonauts finds its way into the world of youthful viewing. Are dads saying to their children, their young boys, "Let's watch this jagged little movie that is a stone's throw away from modern special effects tonight!" I just don't think these words are being said, and with that Jason is merely going to remain one of my favorites for a long time. It is a cool Sunday afternoon, you just need something entertaining, THIS is the movie to watch. Sure, 80s action is always of value, but Harryhausen always takes the cake. The lines are great, the chemistry between Hercules and his cohort is sincere, and those monsters - the monsters (and Zeus playing human chess) are a sole reason to keep this film in heavy rotation.

Found in my "Defining Moments in Movies", there is one more movie to watch that I have reviewed already, then it is off to something new. This is going to get interesting. There is no score change for this movie, Jason and the Argonauts will continue to get a solid green mark with blue stars in my book. I cannot wait until it makes it back to the rotation again.

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